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a box and cardboard
masking tape
cellophane for windows
4 c. confectioners sugar
3 egg whites
3 tsp. white vinegar
cookies (assorted shapes of
your choice)
graham crackers
candies (gumdrops,
peppermints, rock candy,
candy canes, etc. anything
you like!)
sugar cubes

Make a house with box, cardboard and tape. Cut windows
and tape cellophane inside. Cut door. Cardboard is for the
roof. Tape securely to large tray or board.
Frosting: Beat sugar, egg whites and vinegar until
stiff and glossy. Spread frosting over roof and make shingles
with graham crackers. Spread outside walls, one at a time,
with frosting and decorate with cookies and candies. Spread
frosting on ground around house (this covers the tape that
secures the house to the tray). Make snowman with marshmal-
lows. Make walkway. Make pine trees with green gumdrops of
descending sizes. Let your imagination have a good time! (we
eat it on New Year's Day!)
Note: Size of the house will determine how much frost-
ing, candy and cookies are needed. This frosting dries like
cement. So the house is secure from little fingers! It dries
fast also.

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