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4 pkg. small Jell-O (different
flavors such as: cherry,
orange, lime, lemon or use
just 2 colors, example: 2
cherry and 2 lime for
2 envelopes Knox gelatine
1/2 c. cold water
1 c. sugar
2 c. milk
2 tsp. vanilla
2 c. sour cream

Mix each package of Jell-O with 1 cup hot water in
separate bowls. Add 1/2 cup cold water; set aside. Dissolve
the 2 envelopes gelatine in the 1/2 cup cold water in large
bowl. Boil 2 cups milk, after boiling, add sugar and dissolve.
Add to gelatine in the large bowl, stir to mix and set aside.
Cool. Add sour cream and vanilla. Beat with mixer 5 minutes
at high speed (portable mixer). Divide into 3 equal parts,
start with a Jell-O, let each layer set about 20 minutes.
Hints: Use 9 x 13-inch pan, glass is best.
Grease/spray pan to help get Jell-O out. Jell-O should be
firm, but not hard; if too hard, layers will divide. Check
with finger, imprint should show. Cream mixture should set a
good 20 minutes. Cut into squares with cold/wet knife using it
straight up and down. Remove about four squares at a time to
keep edges perfect. Arrange on a platter.

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