SEVEN-LAYER SALAD 1/2 head lettuce, coarsely shredded 1 c. chopped celery 1 c. chopped green pepper 1 c. chopped purple onion 1 1/2 c. mayonnaise 1 (17 oz.) can small English peas, drained 1 1/2 tsp. sugar grated cheese 4 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled Layer vegetables in the order listed: lettuce, celery, green pepper, onion and peas. Spread mayonnaise evenly over top. Sprinkle salad with remaining ingredients in the order listed: sugar, cheese, bacon. Cover tightly and chill. This is a recipe from our database at Cookbooks On/Line! 1,000,000+ free recipes and free software at: Accuracy is believed to be good, but is not guaranteed. This recipe posting is intended for personal use only. You can print a copy for yourself and/or your friends, but you cannot publish it or post it to any Internet or other public site without our permission. |