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Wash, quarter remove core and shred hard, fully mature
cabbage. Weigh and then thoroughly mix 1/4 pound pickling salt
with each 20 pounds of cabbage. Firmly pack into stone crock
with wooden plunger. Cover with white cloth and board cut to
diameter of crock. Weigh board down with approximately 3
pound stone. Start cabbage curing in sunny spot outside,
covering crock with black garbage bag. Protect bag from
puncture holes with large flat board overnight. Check daily
for fermentation.
Remove scum daily thereafter. Sauerkraut is cured and
ready to can in 2 to 4 weeks, depending upon temperature at
which it is cured. When properly cured, sauerkraut is yellow- 
white and free of white spots. Pack sauerkraut into hot Ball
jars, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. If there is not enough juice
to cover, add brine made by dissolving 2 tablespoons salt in 1
quart water. Adjust caps. Process pints and quarts 30 minutes
in boiling water bath. Yield: 6 to 7 quarts from 20 pounds
of cabbage.

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