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(Swiss Fried Potatoes)
1 3/4 lb. potatoes, firm (boil
in jackets the day before)
3 oz. butter or lard
1 1/2 Tbsp. water or milk

Peel and slice potatoes, then cut into thin strips.
Heat large frying pan and let fat get hot, then put in the
potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and fry, turning constantly.
When potatoes have soaked up the fat (some varieties take more
than others); add more fat. Now form a kind of "cake" by
pushing the potatoes from the edges of the pan towards the
middle and flattening the top. Sprinkle with a little water or
milk; reduce heat and cover with a lid that fits the pan
exactly. Shake pan occasionally to prevent the potatoes from
burning and leave on low heat for at least 15 minutes. The
potatoes must stick together, but not to the bottom of the pan.
When cooked, invert the frying pan and turn Rosti into the lid.
Slide potatoes from lid onto a plate, with brown side now on
Variations: Potatoes may be grated raw and proceed as
above. Chopped onions or bacon may be added before cooking.
Cheese sprinkled on last is good.

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