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Muriel Gragg called me last evening expressing an urgent
need for recipes (how to cook food). I recently finished a
remodeling job for which the satisfied customer paid me in
full and presented me with a large zucchini as a bonus. The
zucchini was about the size of a football and I intended to
practice my forward pass at the first vacant lot, but somehow
the zucchini ended up on my kitchen sink drainboard.
There it was, day after day, moved from one place to the
next. Finally, I decided to cook it. I took the zucchini,
hereafter referred to as the "Z" and carefully sliced it into
little pancakes about 3/16th of an inch thick, ending up with a
quite large pile of "little pancakes". I dusted each "LP" with
flour and salt and put the whole pile into one large cast iron
frying pan. I expected a result like large fried potatoes.
However, instead of frying, the "Z" chips, melted. As the
chips melted and blended with the flour and salt, it resulted
in a kind of gravy containing quantities of large white seeds.
I attempted to eat the seeds, but they were hard as buttons
with a similar taste. After picking out the seeds, I was left
with about 1/2 cup of the gravy. It took but one spoonful to
convince me that the recipe is not worth carving in stone. But
it is yours if you want it.

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