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(Crepes (Low Carb))

4 eggs
2 egg whites
1/4 c. sour cream
2 Tbsp. soy protein powder
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 Tbsp. water
butter as needed for cooking

Put all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl and beat with
wire whisk. (Tiny sour cream lumps may persist. They will
disappear when cooking.) Preheat a nonstick 10" griddle over low
to medium heat. Melt a little butter on the griddle. Keep heat
low enough so that the butter does not brown right away. When the
butter foams, lift the pan with one hand and pour the batter in the
pan with the other. Tilt the pan as you do this and swirl the
batter around so that it coats the bottom of the pan evenly and
thinly. It takes about 3 Tbsp. of batter to coat the griddle, but
experience will be the best guide. Cook the crepe over the heat
until the outer edge shows a bit of dryness and begins to get some
color. Turn the crepe using a spatula. Cook them as briefly as
possible. It is better to turn the crepe too soon than wait too
long. Once the crepe is turned, heat only for a few seconds. (If
crepe breaks, it tastes just as good.) Fill crepe with preferred
filling by placing filling down the center of crepe and roll like a
jelly roll. You can also place the filling over half of the crepe
and fold like an omelet. Yield: 7 crepes

Cottage Cheese Filling
3/4 c. cottage cheese
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. grated lemon peel
4 pkt. Splenda

Preheat oven to 325. Line 8 x 12 baking pan with aluminum foil.
Drain cottage cheese if necessary. Mix all ingredients. Divide
filling evenly among 4 crepes, place filling as center strip. Roll
crepes like a jelly roll. Place side by side in pan and bake about
15 minutes.

Banana Cream Filling
2 oz. mashed ripe banana
1/4 c. light or heavy cream
2 pkt. Splenda
2 tsp. vanilla extract

Mash banana. Beat whipping cream until fairly stiff; mix with
banana, Splenda, and vanilla. Divid among centers of 4 crepes.
Roll up and serve.

This recipe is from an actual cookbook printed by Fundcraft Publishing!

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