1 lb. ground beef or lamb 1/2 bunch scallions, chopped 10 sprigs of parsley 1/2 stick butter, or 1/4 cup oil Chop scallions and parsley fine. Add ground meat, salt and pepper. Mix well. Form meat mixture into small round balls about the size of a walnut. Melt butter in a skillet and add meatballs. Cover and cook on medium heat stirring occasionally. While meat balls are cooking they will form extra liquid. Leave this liquid as it will keep meat balls moist until they are served. Serve hot. Variations: 1. Meat balls can be used in casseroles with peas, carrots, onions, potatoes and tomatoes. 2. Can be used with whole fresh mushrooms. Fry mushrooms in same butter used for meat balls and add together. 3. Mushroom soup can be added and served over meat balls. This recipe is from an actual cookbook printed by Fundcraft Publishing! 1,000,000+ free recipes and free software at: Cookbooks.com! Accuracy is believed to be good, but is not guaranteed. This recipe posting is intended for personal use only. You can print a copy for yourself and/or your friends, but you cannot publish it or post it to any Internet or other public site without our permission. |