2 lbs. ground lamb or beef 1 medium onion, minced Pine nuts 1 large can tomato sauce 2 cups water Salt & pepper to taste Pinch of allspice and cinnamon Mix ground meat, onion, salt and pepper together. Take 1 tablespoon of meat mixture and roll into balls. Press hole in center and stuff with 3 or 4 pine nuts and roll into oval shape. Broil or fry in a little oil. Add tomato sauce and water to meat balls and cook for 30 minutes. Serve hot over cooked rice (Rooz-b-shireeyee). May also be baked in oven. Serves: 6-8. This recipe is from an actual cookbook printed by Fundcraft Publishing! 1,000,000+ free recipes and free software at: Cookbooks.com! Accuracy is believed to be good, but is not guaranteed. This recipe posting is intended for personal use only. You can print a copy for yourself and/or your friends, but you cannot publish it or post it to any Internet or other public site without our permission. |