Eggplant (peeled) Squash Cauliflower Eggplant or Squash: Slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Salt, stack and let stand about 20 minutes. Paper towels may be used to remove excess water. Heat oil and fry eggplant and squash on both sides until brown. Cauliflower: Break off florets and wash. Place in saucepan. Add water and cover. Bring to a boil and cook till just tender. Remove from heat and drain. Fry in hot oil until brown on all sides. Serve hot or cold. Variations: Sliced tomatoes or potatoes sliced in 1/4 inch rounds. This recipe is from an actual cookbook printed by Fundcraft Publishing! 1,000,000+ free recipes and free software at:! Accuracy is believed to be good, but is not guaranteed. This recipe posting is intended for personal use only. You can print a copy for yourself and/or your friends, but you cannot publish it or post it to any Internet or other public site without our permission. |