2 lb. collards 1/2 medium yellow onion 3 tsp. fatback grease 1 (14 oz.) chicken stock 1 tsp. sugar salt and pepper to taste Wash collard leaves; roll up and slice into thin pieces. Place into pot. Chop onion and mix with collards. Add sugar and grease into collards. Place most of stock into pot. Place pot on stove with medium heat. Steam until collards are tender, about 30 minutes. Open lid and season with salt and pepper to taste. Let collards rest for 7 to 10 minute. Make sure liquid does not dry out of collards. Add as much as you need. This recipe is from an actual cookbook printed by Fundcraft Publishing! 1,000,000+ free recipes and free software at: Cookbooks.com! Accuracy is believed to be good, but is not guaranteed. This recipe posting is intended for personal use only. You can print a copy for yourself and/or your friends, but you cannot publish it or post it to any Internet or other public site without our permission. |