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A luscious light stew that is perfect for a Buffet
Dinner Party. The aroma alone will have everyone in the
kitchen long before dinner time.

1 medium elephant
90 lb. butter
50 lb. all-purpose flour
2000 c. chicken broth
100 c. yellow onions, cut in
halves and in slivers
250 cloves garlic, peeled and
finely minced
500 lb. small new red
potatoes, cut in halves
salt and pepper to taste
Kill one medium elephant (African elephant meat is
better than Indian elephant meat because of their diet). Cut
meat into bite-size pieces, 1-inch cubes. (Note: This should
take about 6 to 8 months.) Melt 40 pounds of butter in a
flameproof extra large skillet. Lightly brown elephant stew
meat in small batches and sprinkle with pepper.
In a large bowl, stir together flour and salt. Sprinkle
this mixture over elephant meat and cook over low heat, stir-
ring an additional 225 minutes. Don't let the meat stick. Add
chicken broth to flour and elephant meat. Bring to a boil.
Scrap up all brown bits. Reduce heat and swirl in 20 pounds of
butter. Cook for 2 months over low heat. After meat is
slightly tender, place in a large casserole dish and cook for 1
month in oven at 450 degrees to 500 degrees. Remove from oven. Add garlic,
potatoes, onions and remaining butter. Simmer slowly, stirring
constantly for 23 days or until the meat is very tender.
Garnish with parsley. (Delicious served with buttered noo-
dles.) Serves 400 to 500 healthy eaters.

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