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Items Needed:

deep pot (big enough to fit
turkey into whole)
burner (butane is best)
any size turkey
1 peeled large onion
seasoning to taste (Season-All
is very good)
5 gal. lard, vegetable oil, or
peanut oil

Use a turkey that will feed your gang. Season the
turkey as you would season a roast with any seasoning you
desire. With the remaining seasoning rub over outside of bird.
Place the whole turkey into pot of grease with a cooking
temperature of about 250 degrees to 270 degrees (it takes about 30 minutes to
get grease hot), making sure grease is hot when you put turkey
in. If you do not have a temperature gauge, you can use an
onion while frying the bird, because the onion skin will start
to burn before the turkey will; so you can use this for your
gauge. At the correct temperature your grease will have a slow
rolling boil.
The cooking time for the turkey is 4 1/2 minutes per
pound. It is best to use the weight of the turkey times 4 1/2
minutes as your guide and not cook it by looks. Allow about 10
minutes cool down time before carving. If you follow these
directions you will serve a main dish that your guests will
talk about for generations to come!
Tip: Rub dishwashing liquid on bottom of pot before you
start cooking, it will clean easier afterwards.

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