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Use ham sliced 1/3-inch thick. Trim rind, any dry spots
and all but 1/4-inch of fat. To prevent curling while frying,
score the fat at intervals. Without crowding, place about 4
slices of slightly overlapping ham in a medium hot skillet with
fatty ends touching skillet bottom. If need be, use additional
skillets. When ham sizzles, cover. Reduce heat so low that in
order to hear the sizzling you have to lean over the skillet.
Fry 15 minutes. Turn and fry second time 15 minutes, covered.
When done, fat should be translucent and the ham slightly
browned. Remove slices and prepare red-eye gravy.

Red-Eye Gravy:

1 Tbsp. fat rendered from 3 or
4 slices country ham
1/2 to 3/4 c. black coffee
1/2 c. water
Pour off fat from skillet until 1 tablespoon remains.
With heat high, add coffee and water. Bring to a boil, scrap-
ing up any crusty bits that cling to the bottom of the skillet.
Boil down a minute or two, until you have 1 to 1 1/4 cups
red-eye gravy.

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