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Whipped potatoes are great with most any meat, as long
as they do not have lumps. The secret is being sure that the
potatoes are thoroughly cooked before you attempt to mash or
whip them!
Peel and quarter potatoes if they are medium size. A
rule of thumb is one potato per person and one for the pot.
Cover the potatoes with water. Add salt, about 1
teaspoon, and bring to a boil. Simmer until they are fork-ten-
der, usually will break apart when you stick them with the
fork. Drain, saving 1/2 cup of the water.
Put in the large bowl of your mixer. Break up potatoes
before starting to use the beater. Add 1/4 cup of the potato
water and beat potatoes. Scrape sides of bowl with rubber
spatula. Add about 1/4 cup milk and continue to beat until
they are very light and fluffy. They should not be too stiff.
More milk may need to be added. Whipped potatoes will hold for
several minutes, 10 or so. Just return them to the pan they
were cooked in and cover with a lid. May be heated over low
heat as long as you stir them to keep from scorching.
When ready to serve, turn out in bowl. Make a well in
center and put a chunk of oleo on top of potatoes, imbedding in
potatoes so it will melt.
If you have whipped potatoes left over, make Potato

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