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cheap cut beef, pork, chicken
or fish, deboned, trimmed,
but leave on some fat and
cut into 2 inch squares
2 Tbsp. water for each jar
(not necessary)
1 Tbsp. salt for each jar if
desired (good on beef and
sterilized quart or pint
canning jars (new canning
lids and rubbers)

Stuff jars with meat/chicken/fish. Add salt on top and
water if desired. Put lids in hot water for 2 to 3 minutes to
soften rubber. Screw lid on tightly. In canning pot, place
jars around outside and middle (pot must have rack to raise
jars off flour of pan or stuff large towel on bottom). Fill
pan with water up to beginning of lids. Cover and bring to
boil, back off to steady low covered boil. Cook 6 to 8 hours.
Remove cans and cool as in any canning process. Terrific roast
beef months from any refrigerator. Take cruising or keep with
hurricane supplies.
.PRTSYS1003060066006001*STD 00610
.PRTDRT1N 000871103
.PF 1 1 64N1N02 N
.PF 2 1 64N1N06 N
.PF 3 6 32N1N0L N
.PF 4 1 63Y1N07 Y
.PF 5 1 36N1N04 N
.PF 6 1 64N1N07 N
.PF 7 1 64N1N04 N
.PF 8 1 64N1N06 N
.PF 9 11 63Y1N0O Y
.PF 10 1 64N1N06 N

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